Alexa Costume

Alexa is a constant presence in my home. She is the one piece of technology that the kids control with impunity. They abuse her with a never-ending barrage of demands to tell jokes and to play their favorite songs again and again. My son’s first words weren’t ‘Mama’ or ‘Dada’ rather they were shouts to command Alexa like his older sister. And so it made perfect sense when my five-year-old daughter, whispering into my ear so as not to be overheard, informed me that she wanted to dress up as Alexa for Halloween this year.

I was onboard with her idea from the start. We began with a trip to Home Depot and found a 10” diameter Sonotube form for pouring concrete footings. With a little spray paint, some mesh fabric and a stencil we had our basic costume. But no Alexa costume could truly be complete without the LED lights animating to attention when the “Alexa” keyword was spoken.

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