iBeacon Enabled Beer Fridge

This project began with our team’s vision of a beer fridge that would only unlock for those employees who were up to date on their timesheet. And if we ignore all the people who simply reached down and unplugged the Raspberry PI, or all the times the WIFI adapter stopped responding or how the constant brownouts kept corrupting the server files on the SD card, then this is exactly what we built.

3D printed case with electro magnet lock installed on fridge.
3D printed case with electromagnet lock installed on the fridge.

Despite our many struggles, building this fridge was a project our team took on with great enthusiasm as it involved our two great passions – technology and alcohol. I will briefly go over the basic setup, but my intention for this blog post is to focus mainly on the iBeacon integration which, in my opinion, presents the most useful learning that came out of this project.

Read more iBeacon Enabled Beer Fridge